Lucy Hale’s About to Be a Country Music Star—We Got the Inside Scoop on Her Album Debut


If you’ve ever seen an episode of Pretty Little Liars (which, like, obviously), then you already know that Aria Montgomery is one of the coolest and trendiest girls on TV. But how much do you know about the personbehind the character? (Spoiler alert: She’s equally as cool and trendy.) Lucy Hale may be known for her theatrical skills, but acting wasn’t exactly her first love. Introducing: Lucy the country singer.

If you’re just now learning about Lucy’s musical prowess, you’re not alone. “I’m really shy about my music,” Lucy told us when we caught up about her new album, “and I don’t really talk about it, which is why I think a lot of people were surprised. Songwriting is so personal and a little scary.” Luckily she didn’t let that stop her.

One could say country music runs in the Memphis native’s blood: “I just love it so much,” Lucy says. “Growing up in the South, country music is kind of ingrained in you. Even though I moved to Los Angeles, I’m a country girl at heart.” We’ve already deemed Lucy’s first single as one of the summer’s best anthems, so if “You Sound Good To Me” hasn’t reached your ears yet, we highly suggest you change that, stat!

Few people know that Lucy actually started her career as a singer, until she was cast in PLL and acting took the lead. But in a poetic twist, Lucy realized her acting experience has strongly influenced who she is as a musician. “I essentially grew up on a set where no one tried to get to know the real me, so I would hide behind characters,” Lucy explains. “I’ve always kept my secrets and darkest moments inside, because out here in L.A. you’re not supposed to talk about your problems. It was really hard for me to be OK with being vulnerable and being flawed—but that’s the beauty of songwriting. The best songs come from the most painful moments. If anything, I hope that listeners relate to the normalcy of my life. Regardless of what you do for a living, songs unite us and the emotions are the same—heartbreak is heartbreak and love is love.” Now that’s some seriously deep wisdom.

The album hits iTunes and store shelves tomorrow, so be sure to scoop it up and give it some airtime. And just so you know which song to listen to first, we had Lucy reveal her top pick: “My favorite song is probably “Nervous Girls.” It’s kind of a unique way of explaining that it’s OK to not be OK.”

Finally, Lucy adds, “I think out of everything I’ve ever done, this is what I’m most proud of.” So if you thought PLL was the best thing to ever happen to you, wait ’til you get hold of this.

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